Monday, 7 May 2012

Every Cloud

After finding out that Student Beans are no longer running the Cineworld 2 for 1 offer I was pretty distraught (I had a massive paddy about it), but my I got over it like the grown up I am because I had to and my friends and I decided to go for the good old fashioned Orange Wednesdays and see the Avengers. The cinema was rammed but we managed to get into a relatively short queue (probably short because everyone else had given up - it was manned by the slowest person EVER), and proceeded to wait for 40 minutes (yes thats right, four zero).  Whilst queuing we heard the announcement that American Pie: The Reunion was sold out and we felt sorry for those people who would be left out, but smug that our film was free and although we were pushing it time wise we would soon be sat scoffing our Pick n Mix and watching superheroes do their thing.... Lets just say we well and truly learnt that pride comes before a fall; we eventually got to the slowest Cineworld employee, asked if we could have three tickets and he was just like, "No" (haha we thought, we've got a joker here) it appeared it had also sold out so we left the queue and I had to abandon my sweets and leave looking like losers!! Now what really annoyed me about this was that in Cineworld there are massive tv screens which tell you which screens things are in, and whether it is time to take your seats etc...why, oh why could they not have put some kind of bloody notice with something short and sweet like perhaps 'Sold Out' when a film does, well, sell out.  Literally, it wouldn't be that hard!!  First they take themselves off Student Beans, and now they reject me...Cineworld you better watch your step because I'm one step away from taking my custom elsewhere!! You've been warned! 

So, having already paid our parking we felt it would be stupid to go home but we weren't really dressed to go for a drink (I thought I'd be sat in the dark scoffing my face - I dressed appropriately in a hoodie) so we went for ice cream.  Cadwaladers I salute you!! 

By far the greatest flavours - Mint Choc Chip & Double Chocolate! 
Needless to say I felt pretty sick on the drive home!  

What are your favourite ice cream flavours?


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