Wednesday, 4 April 2012

The Month of March

I'd like to take you back to New Year's Eve 2011.  My lovely friend Becca and I were sat (with other lovely friend Claire) talking about the year to come, and we decided, that March was going to be our month for romance.  I'm sure Becca wont mind me saying this, but our love lives have been a bit of a joke of late, so we decided to pluck the month of March out of the New Year's Eve air as our lucky month! 

It is currently April, and I've said my last goodbyes to March so I thought I'd reflect on the month as a whole! 

March started very well with glorious weather and ice creams in Roath park with my friends on the 1st.  Life progressed as normal, and I genuinely expected that because it was March men would suddenly leap out at me (in a non violent or creepy, murderous way) and wish to marry me there and then.  Quite shockingly, this didn't happen, and March carried on with little regard for my love life.  By mid-March I was beginning to lose faith in the month I had pinned all my hopes and dreams on, and it was time to take matters into my own hands! Becca suggested that if the men weren't coming to us that we should at least meet them half way... we joined a dating website and what an experience and eye opener that has been!! I could write a book on the experience, or indeed devote and entire blog to it but trust me when I say you really do get all sorts on there! Maybe I will at least write a blog post about the world of internet dating so I wont spoil it by saying too much here, but so far I haven't actually met up with anyone (I was ill and missed the boat with one guy so to speak!) but I do wonder if this venture, which began in March, may lead to the romance I have been after?

March wasn't only about my love life.  The weather was exceptional and that made me happy beyond words.  It's like every year I forget that we have a summer and when the sun shines I just get so excited and fall in love with it over and over again.  I worship the sun, it really does mean the world to me. I know a tan is a bit of a true reflection of 'soaking up the sun' but I truly do drink it up, and I feel full of its goodness for days, it's like my body smiles from the inside out because of it.  I have loved eating as many meals as I can outside in our sun-trap of a garden, going to the park for picnics or just for a stroll around to see the beautiful flowers and going out without a cardigan because you know it is going to be beautiful all day long! 

It is now April, and the April showers are officially upon us and it is cold and horrible but I am going to keep thinking of the sunny days of March and look forward to many more. 

So in summary, I liked March. I made a conscious effort to do something about my love life, which if nothing else, has proved to be funny and a confidence boost. I've lapped up the sun and basked in its rays, so thank you very much March, I'll look forward to seeing you next year! 

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